
Q.Plus member ID(旧:EMTG ID)とはなんですか?


「NAOMI WATANABE OFFICIAL FANCLUB『NAOMI CITY』」に会員登録をしていただくと、自動的に"E"から始まる【Plus member ID】が発行されます。

Plus member IDは「NAOMI WATANABE OFFICIAL FANCLUB『NAOMI CITY』」のログインIDとして、ご利用いただくことができます。

If you meet the following criteria, you have a Plus member ID (formerly EMTG ID).

If you have already obtained a [Plus member ID], please register using your existing ID.

●Those who have used the services operated by Fanplus (formerly EMTG) (fan club, mobile site, merchandise store, etc.)

●Those who used Ticketpla electronic tickets (formerly EMTG electronic tickets) and official trading services

●Those who purchased a viewing ticket through StreamPass

●Those who used the live streaming viewing app "FanStream"

● Those who have used the "VR MODE app"

»Check your Plus member ID here
*Please enter your email address and confirm.

Even if you have an ID obtained through another artist's service, you can use it at "NAOMI WATANABE OFFICIAL FANCLUB "NAOMI CITY"".

If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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