

Generally, your payment will be carried over, so you can use the site with the same FANY ID (email address).

Depending on the contents of your contract, payment information may not be carried over.
For details, please contact your mobile phone company.

<If payment is not carried over>
Your membership will be terminated at the end of the month in which the contract details are changed.

Example: If you registered with au Simple Payment and changed to docomo on March 15th
⇒ Cancel your membership at the end of March ⇒ au Simple Payment will only be billed for usage up to March

If you log in with the same Plus member ID (or email address) at the beginning of the following month,
You will be redirected to a page where you will be asked to pay your monthly membership fee, so please pay using your preferred method.
*There may be a time lag before your cancellation status is reflected.

In addition, if there is a change in the "used (registered) email address" due to a change in model,
After logging in, please edit your registration information in [MY PAGE].

To complete the procedure, please access the site using a web browser (Safari/Chrome).
In-app browsers (Yahoo! JAPAN app/Google app) are not guaranteed to work.

If you access the site via various SNS apps such as Twitter, Instagram, or LINE, the site may not function properly.

If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

Contact Us