About withdrawal


Your membership may be automatically terminated in the following cases:

Your registered credit card may be deactivated due to insufficient funds or expiration date.
If it is determined that you are unable to make the payment, your membership will be automatically cancelled.
*Please contact your credit card company to find out the reason for the payment failure.

Payment information will not be carried over if the following conditions apply:

Cancellation of contract with mobile phone company, change of contract details (name, phone number, etc.)
Changing mobile phone models due to changing mobile phone carriers

Even if you cancel your membership, you can still use the same FANY ID within 30 days.
If you re-register (= complete the payment procedure) after logging in,
You can continue to use the site by retaining your membership status, including your joining date and points.

*If 30 days have passed since the charge was released, or if you use a different email address to process the request,
Please note thatyour registration will not be carried over and you will become a new member.

If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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