

Your date of birth and gender information cannot be changed from your My Page.
Please contact us using the details below so we can make the changes after verifying your identity.

<Required information>
・Full name (in kanji)
・Full name (kana)
・Nickname you set
- Date of birth (8 digits in the Gregorian calendar)
・Registered email address
・Plus member ID

Please fill in all necessary information without omission.
Please refrain from contacting us from an iCloud address, as many people do not receive our response emails.

Depending on your environment, the email with the above link may not launch.
Please contact us using this [Inquiry Form].

Depending on the content of the change, such as a major change, we may ask you to provide a photo of your identification.
Please note.

If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

Contact Us